Visa Information
Short Papers -
up to four pages

Deadlines extended

Short Papers requirements

Symposium Program

2nd International Symposium
Rare Attractors and Rare Phenomena in
Nonlinear Dynamics
May (16)17 – 20, 2011, Rīga – Jūrmala, Latvia

Workshop and Symposium Programs

Download the Program of the Symposium RA’11.

Download the Program of the Workshop.

General Requirements for Short Papers

The following structure of the Short Papers is recommended: abstract, introduction, main text, results, conclusions and references. Short Paper, up to 4 pages, should be prepared using MS Word.
Format: A4 with the following margins: top 30 mm, bottom 30 mm, left 25 mm, right 25 mm, header 12 mm, footer 12 mm.
Font: Times New Roman. Title of the article 14 pt Bold, authors name 12 pt Normal, title of the institution 12 pt Normal, headings of the sections 12 pt Bold, formulas and text 12 pt Normal.
The authors are recommended to see the example and prepare the Short Abstract in the due style. The authors are responsible for the correctness of the English language.
The Short Papers should be submitted in Word and PDF formats to vljevst@latnet.lv before April 20, 2011.